New version release of ecommerce CMS OpenCart 4.0

New version of ecommerce CMS Opencart 4.0

Finally here! Opencart After many years of hard work.


Compatible with PHP 8.1+
New event-based extension system
Start page
CRON-page with vacancies
Product options. Now you can choose a new product variant based on the main product and link the number of stocks.
Cookie Acceptance Policy.
Administrator notification system. OpenCart can now send you updates and news directly to your OpenCart administrator.
Loader class
The phone field has become optional
Additional security of the administrator, renaming of the folder of the administrator, the installation directory, moving of a folder of storage.


Boootstrap 5
jQuery v3.6.0
Font Awsome 6
CKEditor 5
Order_recurring has been renamed to the subscription system.
Sliding buttons instead of flags
All forms now use AJAX.
New installer
You can update the system completely through the admin.
Reporting system.
Admin notification.
The backup system now backs up the database in parts to avoid crashes when working with large tables.
The order editor has been completely redesigned, so no API session is required.


All third-party extensions. There is a system for downloading and adding basic extensions directly to the extension pages.


Available for download:


Order an update or development of your site on Opencart to the latest version of our specialists.

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